The Virtual Breakout produces humorous remote escape games hosted by live actors via Telescape and Zoom.
Operation Apex is their debut game. Players are spy recruits attempting to stop a dangerous hacker from unleashing a missile. Work together using your individual spy knowledge to bypass strange security measures as the hacker taunts and fights back against your efforts.
I worked with them to develop their vision for the game and the company. We discovered that their core audience groups are new to escape rooms and virtual shows.
Operation Apex was designed as an introductory game and used familiar computer interfaces to ease players into digital games.
I designed the game with a custom interface in mind. The game was eventually built in Telescape and I helped adapt the gameplay to fit this new platform. I worked together with their team to incorporate actor interactions into gameplay.
The game was developed by The Virtual Breakout and Escape One Algarve.
Remote Control is a TV channel surfing choose-your-own-adventure escape game. Players choose from over 10 unique channels, each with their own surprise that shifts the group dynamics. Play it a second time to see what you missed and unlock the true ending.
Remote Control was designed to adapt to the wide range of group dynamics from their clients (from corporate to children). The game mimics the feel of a game night virtually.
The channel choices are designed to give agency to players without disrupting the overarching flow of the game. The choices are always similar in excitement and length. This way, players can opt into playing competitively and attempt harder puzzles.
I designed this game to take advantage of the virtual platform and the live actor. Players particularly enjoyed the dating channel that tested how well they knew each other and the improv channel that allowed our hosts to shine.
The game was developed by The Virtual Breakout and Escape One Algarve.
"The cooperative gameplay style, synced interface, humorous storyline, and interactive host made [Operation Apex] really enjoyable for us."
- Cici Cao on Escape the Roomers
"Operation Apex was a great example of a game designed for Telescape with use of a thematic gamemaster. This is one of the rare virtual-only games that truly keeps groups of 4-5 busy by having split information for certain puzzles, along with lots of non-linear solving."
- Theresa Wagner on Room Escape Artist

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