Lost in Mine is an interactive webcomic with a physical companion booklet. A kid has gone missing and it's up to you to use the notebook they left behind to locate and rescue them.

I created this game to be easily distributable. The booklet can be printed and assembled by anyone without spoiling the puzzles. My previous printable games required a specific assembly method in order to hide surprises. When I approached designing this game, I thought of different ways to hide secrets in plain sight.
I knew from my past experiences that one of the barriers for people to start on a puzzle book is having a pencil. In this game, there's no writing required for any of the puzzles. The form factor also makes it easy for people to store the book in their pocket.

The story is about retracing someone's footsteps to find and rescue from an abandoned mine. It is a story about the loneliness associated with finding one's path in life. The puzzles were inspired by my own experience and the common theme is shifting perspective.
I designed the game and did the graphics for the physical zine booklet. The webcomic portion was illustrated by Sandroke.

"Funbi is a master at hiding layers of accessible cleverness within captivatingly creative mediums. Contained within a short zine and a sleek web interface, "Lost in Mine" is the sort of game that instantly wins over newer puzzlers and seasoned enthusiasts alike with its story, graphical boldness, and countless reveals."
- Matthew Stein AKA Enigmida
- Matthew Stein AKA Enigmida